Fact-Checking National Democrats’ Misleading Attacks

Fact Checking National Democrats’ Misleading Attacks:
Myth: Kelly Ayotte will ban abortion in New Hampshire. 
Fact: Kelly has repeatedly said she supports and will not change New Hampshire’s current law, which protects women’s freedom to obtain an abortion for any reason up to six months of pregnancy and provides exceptions in the last three months for fatal fetal anomalies and medical emergencies.
Myth: Kelly Ayotte voted for a national abortion ban in the United States Senate.
Fact: Kelly voted to restrict abortions after five months of pregnancy with exceptions after the fifth month for cases of rape, incest, or a life-threatening emergency for the mother. Current New Hampshire law, which Kelly supports and will not change as Governor, protects women’s freedom to obtain an abortion for any reason up to six months of pregnancy.
Myth: New Hampshire’s current law is an abortion ban. 
Fact: Current New Hampshire law is falsely characterized by Democrats as a ban, despite the law protecting women’s freedom to obtain an abortion for any reason up to six months of pregnancy and aligning New Hampshire with similar laws in neighboring states. 
Myth: Kelly Ayotte doesn’t support IVF and voted to restrict it in the U.S. Senate. 
Fact: Kelly never voted to restrict IVF in the United States Senate. She always has and always will support IVF to help Granite Staters start and grow healthy families. As Governor, Kelly will fight any effort to restrict IVF in New Hampshire and will work to make the cost more affordable.
Myth: Kelly voted for the Blunt Amendment to the Affordable Care Act, which restricted access to IVF.
Fact:  The Affordable Care Act does not and has never required coverage of IVF treatments, nor does the Blunt Amendment even mention the procedure.