Levasseur, Manchester’s GOP State Reps, endorse Ayotte

Alderman At-Large Joseph Kelly Levasseur and the entire Manchester Republican State Representative delegation announced their endorsement of Kelly Ayotte’s campaign for New Hampshire Governor. Read full article from the Manchester Ink Link here.

Ayotte endorsed by Merrimack Republican delegation

Kelly Ayotte received the endorsement of every Republican State Representative from the Town of Merrimack joining over 200 additional leaders from across the state who have endorsed Kelly for Governor . Read full article from the Manchester Ink Link here.

Emerson Poll Shows Big Lead for Ayotte, Many Undecided, in NH Gov Race

Emerson College’s latest New Hampshire poll has the Kelly Ayotte campaign smiling from ear to ear. More than a year out from both the primary and general elections, Emerson has Ayotte solidly out in front of the competition over all comers in the race for Granite State governor. Read full story from NH Journal here.

Healey’s MA Illegal Migrant Emergency Makes Waves in NH Gov.’s Race

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey (D), a supporter of sanctuary city laws, says the flood of illegal immigrants into her state has created a state of emergency, and she is urging Bay State citizens to consider housing an undocumented family in their home. Now Kelly Ayotte (R) wants to know if Healey’s pick for New Hampshire […]