Republican Kelly Ayotte visits Sullivan County businesses

Lifelong Granite Stater Kelly Ayotte recently visited local businesses as part of her campaign for the open governor seat, and said face-to-face meetings like this is vital for addressing issues affecting every New Hampshire resident.

On Thursday, the former U.S. senator spent the day making the rounds of the Newport/Charlestown/Newbury area, starting her day at Ruger in Newport, where she conversed with employees in a Town Hall format. The Republican gubernatorial candidate later traveled to Whelen Engineering in Charlestown, and toured the state-of-the-art manufacturing location while discussing what they were seeing about housing, the workforce and how to invest in the local community.

Ayotte ended her day at the Newbury home of Loa Winter and spoke to 20 residents about her intentions if she is elected to the state’s highest office.

Read more here from the Eagle Times.