Sen. Bobby Stephen, Sheriff Jeff Stiegler & Arthur Beaudry: Why as Democrats we support Ayotte for governor

WE’RE committed to ensuring that New Hampshire continues to be the best place in America to live, work and raise a family. That’s why, as Democrats, we’re crossing party lines to vote for Kelly Ayotte for governor.

Kelly is someone we know will always rise above partisanship to do what’s right for New Hampshire. She’s devoted her life to serving the people of our state. Time and time again, she has repeatedly shown that she can work with anyone — regardless of party — to deliver real results to make life better for Granite Staters.

We’re hardly the first Democrats to back Kelly. After she was first appointed to serve as attorney general by Republican Governor Craig Benson, Democratic Governor John Lynch twice reappointed Kelly to serve in that same important position. Every time Kelly came before the Executive Council for confirmation, she received unanimous support from the councilors — including Republicans and Democrats. That’s because Kelly always puts New Hampshire before partisanship.
During her time representing us in the United States Senate, Kelly was rated as one of the most bipartisan senators in America. That distinction reflects her strong commitment to working across the aisle to find solutions for tough challenges.

When partisans in Washington on both sides would dig in their heels and refuse to budge, Kelly was the one who would come to the center to forge a pathway forward. When it comes to helping people, she looks past partisanship and stays laser-focused on solving problems. That’s how Kelly helped expand access to health care for our proud veterans. It’s how she worked to empower New Hampshire’s small business owners. It’s how she fought against opioid misuse. And it’s how she stood up to protect skilled jobs at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.

As Democrats, we are dismayed by the false attacks that are being launched against Kelly in a relentless barrage of television advertisements. Kelly has made her position on abortion abundantly clear: She will not change New Hampshire’s existing abortion law, which protects women’s freedom to obtain an abortion for any reason up to six months of pregnancy and provides exceptions in the last three months for a medical emergency or fetal anomaly. She also unequivocally supports access for IVF for every couple who wishes to use it. Any suggestion to the contrary is false, misleading, and contrary to the spirit of respectful and informed civic discourse.

In New Hampshire, we pride ourselves on coming together to protect and preserve all that is special about our state. We are fiercely independent and understand that no party has a lock on the best ideas. When we evaluate candidates, we place a special premium on leadership, vision and commonsense. We believe that our governor must be someone who can work with anyone to strengthen our state and make life better for people in New Hampshire.

Kelly Ayotte is someone we’ve known for a long time and trust completely. We are confident that she will work tirelessly on behalf of the people of New Hampshire to keep our state safe, prosperous and free. We encourage all Democrats and independents to give her candidacy strong consideration and join us in voting for Kelly Ayotte for governor.